Author: Larry Correia, Steve Diamond
Rating: 4.5/5
Comments: This is one of the rare trad-pub books I have read since starting CBR, and to be honest I don't think I've read any trad-pub books that Larry Corriea wasn't involved with in recent memory. I find trad-pub tiresome these days because the rate of publication is just tragically and painfully slow. I mean years between entries in a series? I have to *really* like an author to keep up with his stuff when it's that slow.
So I like Larry's stuff. That almost wasn't enough to get me through this book. Story is great, but the narrative flow in the first quarter of the book is just non-existent. We keep skipping between POV's for no apparent reason and without apparent connection. I'm sure my regular reader will recognize that is a major point of annoyance for me when reading. At about 20% I popped on Larry's group on MeWe and asked "Does this crap improve because this is almost more than I'm willing to tolerate?" Fortunately the answer was yes, and I pushed on.
I am glad I did but dang it was hard getting started.
So we have a very unique and unusual world with lots of depth. There is lots of world building without info dumps (yay!) There are also believable and relatable characters.
On the downside they have put in no less than 4 or 5 POV's and at least 2 of which I really don't want to read because they're awful characters. Not poorly written, just objectively evil and I'm not a fan of evil characters.
Anyway in a few years I will probably read the sequel, if I remember reading the book.
Bedroom Activities: FTB
FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities