Monday, February 6, 2023

Review: Monster Girls Unlocked 2

Title: Monster Girls Unlocked: End Game (Bawdlin Virtual World Book 2)

Author: Justin Trublood

Rating: 4/5

Comments: As with the other Trublood books I have read, this is not a serious story, it's meant to entertain and fly that freak flag so to speak.  It does accomplish both of those goals.  Book one was a bit of a surprise in that it was a decent story, and really I think the second is just as good.  His magical carry-over between the digital world and meat space isn't explained nor even justified, but it's there, and it doesn't break the story, much.  Anyway, if you liked book 1, book 2 is worth it.  If you didn't, well I would advise you to keep walking.

Bedroom Activities: Explicit


FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities

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