Title: Wiedergeburt 1-5
Author: Brandon Varnell
Rating: 3.5/5
These 5 books are all very short (average read time 4-5
hours), and honestly it could easily be combined into 2-3 books.
The storyline is pretty decent, protagonist goes back in
time, and but remembers everything he knew and has a second chance at a life with
his wife who has been killed by the main antagonist. (not a spoiler, it’s in
the blurb)
My main knock on this series is for the most part it is
written with a crazy amount of extraneous and oddly specific detail. For example, every piece of his “basic
alchemy set” is detailed right down to the size of the beakers. Breasts cannot be mentioned without a
corresponding size adjective, and usually a note to how they are moving
(bouncing, jiggling, etc). Breasts are rarely
mentioned without also mentioning the size, hardness, and color of her
nipples. If this was a school paper I
would call it word padding.
There are a lot of background, and world building
inconsistencies that are there “just because” that just detract from my suspension
of disbelief. A couple of examples are
the main setting is a city-state, but the rule is an Empress. The city has no apparent contact or trade
with other civilizations, yet there are numerous markets, and even an auction house. The city takes a full day to get across on
foot, but you can reach the Demon Mountains in half an hour. Maybe these are just me, but IMO, it shows a
lack of consideration and thought about the setting.
The 5th book ended with a “To be continued” but I
don’t know if I care enough to keep reading, my interest has waned over the
course of the series, and I think the story of the 5th one was the
Bedroom Activities: Explicit
FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs
“Onscreen” vs No activities