Sunday, January 31, 2021

Review: Storm Unbound

Title: Storm Unbound (Fallen Powers 1)

Author: Leo Hull

Rating: 4.5/5


I have heard this author is a new pseudonym for another author I have read, but I have no confirmation on that, so I will take it as it stands.

All in all, it's not a bad story.  The protagonist has powers granted by an artifact, and is dragged on an exploratory mission.  Things go awry, hilarity ensues, and the guy gets the girl(s).

This is pretty much just my reaction, but I am finding books where two characters start out on opposite sides of a conflict, then magically the one character is so overwhelmed by the protagonist's smoldering intensity that they switch sides with nary a second thought, to be rather annoying.  As a bonus, the woman is so turned on she can't help but want to take the protagonist to bed.  One vigorous tumble, and she's so enamored with him she pledges her undying love.  So yes, there's a big of "magic dick" syndrome in this book, and I am finding it tiresome.  So half a point off for magical phalluses, other than that it's a good story.

Bedroom Activities: Explicit



FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities

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