Title: Payload (The Yard Gnome Action Team Book 1)
Author: RW Krpoun
Rating: 4.25
This is somewhat standard zombie attack fare, but he takes it in some different directions, which I like. Also good characters, some really interesting characters.
The problem I have, is the POV switching. I mean, each member of the team gets their own intro, and it really bogs things down in Ch 1. Then we get to see stuff that the antagonists do (which I really dislike as a general rule). So the presentation of the story could be changed to make me happier, but the story itself is pretty fun.
Oh and the yard gnome bit, is great. Moogie is an excellent mascot.
Bedroom Activities: None
FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs
“Onscreen” vs No activities
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