Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Review: Entangled Fates (books 1-4)

Title:  Entangled Fates


Author: Joe Kuster

Rating: 5/5


This is one of the best series by a new author I’ve ever read.  The characters are believable, great, and varied.  The security tech sections are where Joe really shines, presumably because that is the world he lives in with his day job.  The things that happen with technology are terrifyingly plausible while being unbelievably cool at the same time.


The one quibble I had with these books, is the shifting of POV’s.  After some conversations with Joe I am more ok with them because his overall story arc is focused on all of the inner circle, not just the main protagonist, Alex.


Highly recommended.


Bedroom Activities:  Explicit (limited instances)



FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities



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