Sunday, July 17, 2022

Review: Wild Wastes 4

Title: Wild Wastes 4

Author: William Arand, Randi Darren

Rating: 3.8/5

Comments:  This book marks the resurrection of the Randi Darren penname for William Arand and it's pretty much classic Darren.  If you like freaky monstergirl, dryad, elf bedroom frol-licks, this has you covered.

Now that being said, I have been reading the Sovereign-verse for a few years, and I find the change in writing direction to be a little frustrating. After Right of Retribution 3, we were all set for the LEGENDARY conclusion of the first meta arc, and now suddenly we're doing another SSoSH and WW trilogy.

I mean ok, Vince needs to go to Europe for a bit, fine.  But the Euro-trash can't begin to compete with the force from Yosemite, so it feels a little like Andre the Giant smacking around toddlers.  

I guess I didn't find a challenge for Vince, just annoyances to be dealt with.

Bedroom Activities: Explicit


FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities

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