Title: The Vixen War Bride Series
Author: Thomas Doscher
Rating: 4.5/5
Comments: I found this series by one of the most unexpected sources, a Facebook advert. Since I read a lot I see a LOT of book adverts, and most of them are worthless but occasionally I'll see one that piques my interest and it will go in the TBR pile. Most of them are DNF's that I never even bother to review. Vixen War Bride is an exception and a welcome one at that.
The absolute core of the story is the culture clash and language barrier between the soldiers and the Va'Shen and Doscher puts it together in a way that is just perfect.
People who have talked to me about books know I hate it when a story switches POV. Most of the time it's gratuitous and doesn't really add to the story. The worst, for me, is when we switch to a character who is immediately killed for a quick emotional shot but is the literary equivalent of a grind time sink in a video game. "We know you're an epic hero who has conquered the Tyrant, but could you go kill us 100 cows please? The game developers need to stretch out the play time but don't have any ideas on how to do that creatively."
I'm happy to report that with this series, most of the POV switches are done to move the main narrative along and the switches between the happy couple are absolutely necessary for you to understand the unintended consequences brought about by their mutual ignorance of language and culture.
Speaking of Ben and Alacea, Doscher does a great job making them deep and believable characters and while he borrows a lot from existing cultures, he makes it feel authentic.
Besides the main couple there are a host of side characters which add a lot of emotion and humor to the tale, which takes it from a "it doesn't suck" to "this is great".
Anyway if you want a culture clash tale, you could do a lot worse. I am looking forward to book 4.
Oh and it looks like these are the first 3 from this author. I applaud his success and hope to see more good stories from him.
Bedroom Activities: None
FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities