Friday, January 7, 2022

Review: Tayra

Title: Tayra: Would You Love a Monster Girl?

Author: Cebelius

Rating: 4.5/5


These books are essentially romance novels, but with one non-human protagonist.  Now generally speaking, I don't read books for romance.  These though are well done, and the characters are relatable.  What really differentiates these books for me, and brings them up above a four is the way Ceb is building the world.  There's no wall of text exposition where he goes on for pages explaining how the world works and all that.  No, he sticks in a detail here, a detail there, and a discussion between characters over here, and slowly builds a picture of a world that has some heft to it.  I knocked off a half a point for gratuitous POV shifting, which I swear he put in just to tweak me.  Worth the read even if you don't do "romance" as a genre.

Bedroom Activities: Some explicit


FTB/Explicit/None – Fade to black bedroom activities vs “Onscreen” vs No activities

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